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Glitter Tats

Hello whoever is reading this,

I am truly sorry that I haven't posted in a while but I am ready to get back in the game. So what I am going to be writing about today is glitter tattoos. Now most of you reading this will probably be like huh? But it's actually quite simple, glitter tattoos are pieces of art made from glitter that stay on your body for about a week, just like a fake tattoo.

If you want to do one of these there are few things that you'll need. First you will need some glitter (obviously), some cosmetic glue and some kind of stencil. I would recommend getting some adhesive face paint stencils if you can find them.

What you will need to do is stick on your stencil and paint on some of the cosmetic glue, then dab some glitter onto the glue and wait for it to dry. Once it has then you can peel off the stencil and you will have yourself a glitter tattoo.

*You cannot use normal glue for this DIY or it won't work.

Here is a picture of a glitter tattoo



Store your cables and cords in toilet paper rolls. 



When eating a banana, flip it upsie down so that you have a handle.



If you are drinking from a can, flip the ring pull over so that you can fit a straw in the hole.

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